A New Back to Eden Garden!

We finally got around to installing a Back to Eden garden at our new home, here in S.E. Oklahoma.  We had purchased several sets of onions a few weeks back, and with the busyness of life, just haven’t been able to get them into the ground.  Thankfully, we got it done, after lots of work, and the onions are ready to grow!  We also started some seeds, too.  Spring is just around the corner!!



Kittan was prowling around while we were working.  :)

Kittan was prowling around while we were working. 🙂

The weather was perfect the past few days to work on the garden.

The weather was perfect the past few days to work on the garden.

Onions!  We planted white, yellow and red, I believe.

Onions! We planted white, yellow and red, I believe.

Dad and Jaden built a nice wooden box around our small garden plot.  We hope to install some more plots soon!

Dad and Jaden built a nice wooden box around our small garden plot. We hope to install some more plots soon!

They worked so hard to build that box!

They worked so hard to build that box!


Our fat kitty cat likes to roam our backyard and explore. :)

Our fat kitty cat likes to roam our backyard and explore. 🙂


Kittan is hiding amongst the rocks - a favorite spot for her.

Kittan is hiding amongst the rocks – a favorite spot for her.

Let us know what you think!