
On this blog you will read of our family’s adventures in growing our garden…in the city.  We lived in the city for the majority of our lives.  Now, we live in a more country area in Southeaster Oklahoma, and have more room to garden.

Our gardening genes go back to our Mom (and really her Mom, too); she gardened, even if in a small way at times, from the time we were little.  Our family has always been on a tight budget, so anything that would help us put food on the table in a more economical way we did.  Gardening was one way that Mom could do that, while also raising and home educating five kids, and teaching us (her kids) important lessons like what it meant to work hard, where food came from, etc.  Caleb, the middle brother, then took up the gardening efforts, allowing Mom to focus on other things.  He did lots of research into methods like Square Foot gardening, and had some success.

Then, in February of 2012 a friend told us about the Back to Eden film, and it really hit home for us.  For me (Phoebe) especially, it inspired me to really get into gardening more (I had helped a little in past, but not much).  It just seemed so simple, logical and Biblical.  The idea of allowing nature, and the way God the Creator has designed it to work, to do what it does, and kind of mimicking it with the mulch covering was inspiring to all of us.  After watching the film, we not only revamped our own garden plots, but we also installed a Back to Eden garden at our Grandma’s home.  Unknowingly we were installing a garden that we would be eating from a few months later.  Dad became unemployed, and we moved in with our Grandma.  That is why we are currently gardening in her garden plot (the one we installed), and the Lord has blessed us with good health for our plants (for the most part) and a good harvest so far.  For me it has been a really great learning experience, since it has been the first year I was in charge of the gardening efforts.

I think the most important thing about gardening is that one becomes less reliant on grocery stores for food, and more reliant on God (most importantly) and one’s own ingenuity, hard work and time.  It also allows our family to eat more healthy, fresh foods – which is really important to us – and get out into God’s beautiful creation (even if it is 100 degrees here in Texas!).

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