Soil Therapy

Working in the garden is sort of like therapy.  There’s just something about it that’s good for your body, mind and soul.  Maybe it’s the sunshine, or working the rich, black soil.  Or maybe it’s just being out in the fresh air, and interacting with God’s beautiful creation.  I don’t know, but I love doing it!

Yesterday, my sister Abby and I worked on getting some more things started in the garden.  We planted (all in seed form) beans, radishes, okra, and cantaloupe.  I planted four squash seedlings that I started about a week ago.  I’m just hoping and praying all the seeds I planted will spring up and grow big, strong and healthy!  Oh, we also planted eight of the raspberry plants, and have to expand the bed to plant the rest of them.  We’re going to add some string or rope to the clothes line poles and grow the vines up on them.  And, a couple days ago Mom and Dad transplanted our fig tree from it’s pot to the ground.  So, we have quite a garden going here in the bustling suburbs of Dallas, Texas!


Joel works on dismantling some old pallets.


Joel is such a hard worker! He built all the potato boxes from wood off of old pallets.


It’s not property of Coca-Cola any more!


The raspberry patch.  Looking forward to seeing these guys go crazy!!



The micro greens have grown even more since I last blogged.


Just look at the beautiful, vibrant green! It’s so beautiful.


Oh, and to add to our little homestead / backyard garden, we have a large peach tree filled with unripened peaches.  Grandma has had this peach tree in the backyard for as long as I can remember, and it’s produced very well for a long time!  


Up close: raspberry leaves.


Our little space for the potted plants. It gets plenty of sun in the morning and early afternoon, and then shade for the rest of the day. Lettuce and herbs are growing there.


Up close: Comfrey leaves.


You know, I’m not sure what these flowers are from. One of the herbs, I believe.


A baby cabbage plant.



Italian Parsley


My handy-dandy clip-board has accompanied me on many a gardening venture.


Sunflower seeds are a fun thing to keep your mouth occupied. 🙂  (And, no, these aren’t from our garden!)  


The bean plot.


The future spot (hopefully!) of many a cantaloup vine!


See those four little green plants? Those are the squash plants. 🙂


The radish rows.


And, last but not least, the okra spot.


I’m happy! Hope all your gardening pursuits are going well!

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Spring Growth

My squash seedlings!

My squash seedlings!


I planted four of the squash seedlings I started, and they’re already growing. Hopefully there won’t be any more cold spells, and they should do just fine!



The raspberry vines.

The raspberry vines.


Our pots with lots of herbs!


The poor spinach doesn’t seem to be doing very well. I really need to figure out why. Any suggestions, guys?


The potatoes are doing fantastically! In fact, we need to get another box on top of them.


Ah! I just love the way this lettuce patch looks. So green, lush, beautiful!


It’s growing like crazy!


Love the vivid colors.


I think I’m going to plant my whole backyard in lettuce next year… 🙂


Onions, onions, and more onions. Not hard to grow, and yummy for all kinds of cooking!


Cantelope, etc.

We haven’t eaten any of these cantalope, but I’m sure they’re tasty!

Cherry tomatoes. These are GOOD!

Freshly picked butternut squash. When I sliced this open, water bubbled to the top. This is what you call one soggy butternut, which is good. It keeps pests away; they take a bite and drown because it’s so full of water!

We Got Some Produce!

Summer is right around the corner, and it looks like our garden is going to give us a lot of produce this year (Lord willing).  Our tomato plants are loaded with small tomatoes and large.  The squash plants are taking over the garden, and so far we have two full grown butternut squash (they are harder to grow).  And the pepper plants continue to give us plenty of peppers: cayenne, jalapeno, banana.

The Back to Eden method, with rich composted soil and lots of mulch key to healthy plants, has really brought up the production of our plants.  Last year, for example, our tomato plants grew very tall, put on lots of blossoms, but gave us only a few tomatoes (I think a lack of sun was part of the problem).  And, the large tomatoes, we didn’t get a single ripe one off of it!  We can’t say for sure, seeing that the harvest hasn’t come yet, but even at this point there are signs that we will get plenty of healthy produce.  We will just have to wait a few more weeks and see what we get!

If you haven’t already, check out the Back to Eden film, watch it, and get your garden spot ready for a fall garden!

This butternut squash was picked a little too early, but it should be delicious!

Butternut squash is a favorite at our home!

These are three of several large tomatoes growing on our plants. We are waiting anxiously for them to ripen!

Garden Update

Purple Cabbage

Water droplets

Potato plants

Grape vine

A promising tomato plant







Basil and Garlic

Lemon balm

Baby squash

Swiss Chard
