Garden Snapshots ~

Just received some photos from home, of our wonderful garden.  My favorites are of the produce we’ve gotten from our plants – there’s noting quite like garden fresh produce!  They harvested most of the onions, and boy are they big!  Mom said that a tomato the size of a tennis-ball (approx.) fell off the vine while still green.  They took it inside, and it’s ripened up nicely.  (See the photo below with the peaches in the window sill.)   Our little fig tree – yes, the same one that we transplanted and hoped wouldn’t die – is growing nicely, and even has some little figs on it.   God has indeed blessed our garden greatly, especially with plenty of rain of late!  Rejoicing in the abundance of nature and the God of nature!


Peaches (foreground), and a purple tomato (background).


Our little Brown Turkey fig tree. I’m sure it won’t be little for long!


See the tiny figs?


Onions, onions and more onions!!


This tomato is gigantic!


Even with the tomato cages, the tomato plants are taking over!


Loaded with yellow pear cherry tomatoes.


Our little cantaloupe vines have gotten bigger.


Red bush beans (or maybe purple).


We really need to give some of these guys away. Want some radishes?! 🙂


The beans haven’t done as well as I’d hoped. Only one row came up (out of two), and not even the whole row. Need to do some replanting.


Finally got another layer of potato boxes put on. Hopefully there are lots of potatoes beneath the soil. 🙂


The lettuce is officially dying (if not dead). Texas summer has arrived.


What? A caladium growing in the middle of the herbs? There must’ve been a blub hiding in soil.


The remaining onions.


A lone [almost] ripe raspberry.


Grandma’s peach tree is loaded. And they’re almost ripe!


Several have chosen the ground as a better home.


Garden Update

While I was back at home for a couple days, I got out into the garden, and was able to snap some photographs of it.  Enjoy!

(Click on images to view larger.)

Virtual “Gardening”

Golden radishes!

Golden radishes!

As you may know, I (Phoebe) am currently out of town, and unavailable to tend to our Back to Eden garden.  But, thanks to my wonderful family back at home, I’ve been able to “garden” virtually.  🙂  Through pictures, and a couple live Skype video chats, I’ve been able to experience our garden in a whole new way!  Unfortunately, it’s not quite the same – you can’t pick up the water hose, and give the garden a good spray down, or dig your hands down deep into the earth.  But, even still, I’ve seen the garden grow, from afar!

It’s pretty awesome.  The tomatoes are growing big and strong, and blossoms and tiny tomatoes are already showing.  The onions are big, and it’s almost time to harvest them.  One has already been harvested, and it was about the size of a baseball!  (I’m so excited!!)  The radishes are growing well, too – we need to get some more seeds planted, so that we’ll have some later in the summer.  Unfortunately, the peppers aren’t doing too well (as reported from my family!), and some of the herbs aren’t doing well either.

But, overall, it looks like the garden is doing great!  I’ll get to see it in person tomorrow – maybe, just maybe, I’ll have enough time to make a short video.
In the meantime, you’ll have to be satisfied with these photos.  🙂


My dear Mom and Dad. Not quite sure what they were doing with this garden-fresh onion, but it’s a cute picture, nonetheless! 🙂 Mom was a gardener long before I was, and really instilled in us the importance of gardening. She also made it fun!

These babies are gettin’ big!

A red radish.
Some unripe raspberries.

Some unripe raspberries.

tomatoes 2

Tomato cages are a must-have when growing tomatoes!

Our little raspberry patch.  It's so cute, isn't it?!  :)

Our little raspberry patch. It’s so cute, isn’t it?! 🙂

I believe this is the yellow pear tomato plant.

I believe this is a yellow pear tomato plant.

Lettuce gallore!

Lettuce galore!

Spring Growth

My squash seedlings!

My squash seedlings!


I planted four of the squash seedlings I started, and they’re already growing. Hopefully there won’t be any more cold spells, and they should do just fine!



The raspberry vines.

The raspberry vines.


Our pots with lots of herbs!


The poor spinach doesn’t seem to be doing very well. I really need to figure out why. Any suggestions, guys?


The potatoes are doing fantastically! In fact, we need to get another box on top of them.


Ah! I just love the way this lettuce patch looks. So green, lush, beautiful!


It’s growing like crazy!


Love the vivid colors.


I think I’m going to plant my whole backyard in lettuce next year… 🙂


Onions, onions, and more onions. Not hard to grow, and yummy for all kinds of cooking!



Early Spring Busy-ness

Wow!  It’s been a while since I lasted posted on here.  But don’t think that means that we haven’t been doing anything in the garden.  In fact, it’s quite the opposite!  We’ve done several things the past couple weeks: planted potatoes, planted lettuce seeds, planted tomato and pepper plants, planted lettuce plants, potted several different … Continue reading